

  • Runs a search of your machine’s insurance claims history
  • Find reports of damage and theft loss, or other compromising claims
  • Run a comprehensive search to determine whether any financial institutions have an interest in the equipment
  • Review sale price to determine if machine is within market value, or is exceptionally low which could indicate the machine is questionable
  • Confirms the machine details are valid and accurate for the equipment in question


With an IRONcheck report, you gain access to over 20 million heavy equipment theft and ownership records. These can be used to establish PIN accuracy and history. Your report will identify any inaccuracies found by our analysts, as well as an insurance claim history search for each machine you review. This includes: damage history, prior theft recovery, and any other known claim that compromises the equipment’s safety or integrity.

You’ll also receive support from trained NER analysts with over 90 years of combined experience in construction and agriculture. They’re experts at spotting inconsistencies in PIN plates and model numbers, and performing detailed visual inspections.


An IRONcheck search is $49.95—and will save you thousands in the long run. Invest in protecting yourself against selling or purchasing stolen equipment. Run IRONcheck today.

What’s Included
Verify PIN accuracy orangeCheckboxCircle
Theft database search orangeCheckboxCircle
Insurance claim history search orangeCheckboxCircle
UCC history search orangeCheckboxCircle
PRICE $49.95
Run IRONcheck